You should know that certain food items from China can be harmful to your health. For one, researchers have learned about plastic rice. China is a big exporter of different kinds of goods. Sadly, they sometimes use techniques that will speed up the production chain or sell at a better price. This is not good when it comes to the quality of the products! There is also produce that suffers from all the pesticides and chemicals used. Avoid eating these 20+ foods imported from China.
In certain parts of China, they use a powerful pesticide. It has even made harvested watermelons explode since they grew too quickly. The pesticide also made them very toxic. We highly recommend buying local to ensure that your produce is fresh and safe for consumption.
Apple Juice
China is among the biggest apple juice producers in the world. However, it also has the most pesticides in use. Be careful, the apple juice they sell sometimes comes with sugar as well as toxic pesticides.
Cod farming is not all that better than tilapia farming. The fish swim in water full of garbage and eat whatever they find. It goes without saying that eating them would not be good for your health.
Rice Noodles
Sulfur dioxide is sometimes used to make noodles look fresh. While it might be more pleasant to see, keep in mind that Sulphur dioxide is not only toxic but can cause cancer as well. Yikes.
In early 2013, a Radio-Canada article has reported that there were sellers selling rats as lambs! The police went on to arrest 900 people involved in this incident. They also seized 20,000 tons of rat meat.
A website called Voyage-Chine said that beef is double the price of pork in China. In an effort to save money, a lot of companies just add borax-based food additives to the pork so that it looks like beef. The food additive is a strong insecticide that has no business being present in your digestive tract.
They scatter chemical products on garlic fields before the seasoning reaches your plates. It is a much better idea to opt for Canadian garlic instead of Chinese garlic. Trust us, the difference is very big.

Food inspectors have, time and again, discovered contaminated mushrooms that come from China. On your next grocery trip, it would be wise to check where they come from before you put them in the cart.
Plastic Rice
We mentioned plastic rice at the beginning, but what is it really? Well, the most important thing you need to know is that its base is made up of potatoes and synthetic resin. It can give you cancer!
Milk made of melanin caused the deaths of six kids as well as the intoxication of 300,000 others. About 230 tons of milk were trafficked to make the protein count go up. Melanin is very bad for your kidneys.
What do you get when you have a mixture of baking powder, calcium carbonate, food coloring, and a zest of paraffin? You can expect an egg of sorts in a matter of hours. Well, it is going to look just like an egg. However, it will also increase your risk of serious food poisoning.
Black Pepper
The famous Chinese black pepper is not always what it seems. Sometimes, it is nothing more than mud! The lack of control and rules in the food security system makes it hard to figure out if it is the real thing.
Chinese wine does not only have grapes in it. There might also be sugar, water, artificial flavor, dyes, and more. Some consumers got heart attacks, sudden migraines, and a higher risk of cancer after they drank wine that was “Made in China.”
Industrial-Style Salt
You should never take industrial-style salt since it is not made for human consumption. However, there was an incident in which this kind of salt was being sold as table salt! It caused a lot of health issues.
A Chinese agri-food company decided to reuse olive oil that came from restaurants. They recycled it by filtering it and reselling it. Voyage-Chine said that over 2,000 tons of this olive oil got sold to restaurants.
Tilapia is highly popular in China. This fish gets farmed just like cod, but it is one of the worst fish you will find on the market. It is toxic since it eats everything, which includes pesticides and toxins in the water.

Avian influenza, as well as other diseases that can be traced to chickens, are not uncommon in this part of the globe. Chickens in China have often failed when it comes to meeting health requirements.
In 2005, experts discovered fake peas that were sold as canned peas. You should be careful at the canned veggies aisle in the grocery since these had artificial coloring, which is bad for your health.
Voyage-Chine also said that there is now pesticide tea on the Chinese market. As the biggest tea producer on the planet, it is unfortunate that the country also has the most pesticides in tea bags. Around 29 toxic products were found in different brands of tea. The list even includes Lipton! But don’t worry since that brand was not being exported.
In China, the corn is filled with sodium cyclamate to add sweetness to the product and in order to keep the yellow color. This toxin causes liver damage and other major health problems. It is banned in the U.S. but legal in over 170 countries around the world.
Green Peas/Soybeans
In China, green peas and soybeans are often just snow peas dyed with toxic sodium metabisulfite and food coloring. During an investigation in 2005, food inspectors found fake, artificially colored peas in thousands of cans.
In order for Chinese farmers to keep cabbage looking fresh during the summer months, they spray them with an extremely toxic formalin solution. This additive is so toxic, it’s best to steer clear of cabbage altogether.
Sweet Potato Noodles
Sweet potato noodles were once safe, but not anymore. A number of factories in Guandong Province were closed after inspectors uncovered that industrial dyes and paraffin wax were used to make the product.
Baby Formula
Back in 2015, both cheap and defective baby formulas were repackaged and resold under recognizable brand names. The public was only alerted a year after the ring was arrested by police. Those poor babies.
Soy Sauce
It was uncovered in 2016 that many soy sauces in China contain a carcinogen called 4-methylimidazole. Manufacturers claimed that the dose was minimal, but because of the daily use, the Hong Kong Consumer Council took things quite seriously.
Tapioca Pearls
Tapioca pearls are another food product to steer clear of in China. Researchers found aspolychlorinated biphenyls in the product, a chemical known to affect the immune system, reproductive system, nervous system, endocrine system, and cause cancer.
The food safety inspectors of Hunan Province uncovered some pretty alarming news in 2012. Tofu manufacturers were caught using iron sulfate and feces in the product to speed up the ferment process.
Ginger farms in Weifang were under investigation in 2013 by the China Central Television (CCTV). The pesticide aldicarb was used on ginger, mind you, it’s only approved to be used on peanuts, roses, cotton, and sweet potatoes, and it was applied 3-6x more than the recommended level.
Ginseng in 9 cities in China and 1 in Hong Kong tested positive for pesticides. The World Health Organization deems these pesticide cocktails “extremely hazardous”.

Canned Peaches
Canned peaches from China were tested by Australia’s National Measurement Institute in 2014. After in-depth investigations, the organization found that the food contained twice the amount of lead allowed.
Many of China’s food processors and fish farms reside close to industrialized areas. In these locations, the air, water, and soil are all contaminated. The U.S. Department of Agriculture conducted an investigation and found that, “in these farms, it is common practice to let livestock and poultry roam freely in fields and to spread livestock and poultry waste on fields or use it as fish feed.”
Frozen Spinach
In Japan and China, safety inspection officials found extremely high levels of pesticides in frozen spinach. If you want to stay healthy, steer clear of spinach from China.
Shrimp imported from China and other Asian countries are farmed in unsanitary and cramped conditions. To steer clear of illness, farmers use chemicals and antibiotics to keep the shrimp alive and well. The shrimp are loaded with enrofloxacin, chloramphenicol, and carcinogen nitrofurazone, all illegal in the U.S.
Pet Food
Pet food is not the most healthy no matter where it’s made. But, China outdoes other countries. Dog food in China is made with a substance used to produce various plastics: melamine. Dogs have sensitive stomachs; the addition of this chemical in their food can often cause death.
Walnuts Stuffed With Cement
Markets in Zhengzhou City, China were caught selling walnuts with cement inside. The vendors were discovered emptying the nuts, selling them for a high price and then filling the shells with paper-covered cement. The “nuts” were also sold, making the companies another profit.
China is not known for honey, at least the good kind. In Jinan Province, for example, there are two types of honey and 70% of it is fake. There are two types of fake honey: adultered honey and fake honey. The first is made with honey, sugar, beetroot and rice syrup. The second looks like honey but is made of water, coloring, sugar, and alum.
In China, potatoes are bought cheaply and often disguised as Da Lat potatoes. They are covered with red dust to mimic the well-known brand and sell for 3-5 times higher than the normal Chinese potatoes.
Baby Milk Powder
This is definitely the worst fake product ever produced in China. 53,000 Chinese babies got sick after drinking baby milk powder laced with melamine. The chemical was added to the formula to increase the milk’s protein levels. Melamine is very similar to cyanide.
Prawns in China are injected with gelatin to appear fresher. Defrosting prawns makes them shrivel up, so gelatin was added to make them look tastier. The extra weight of the jelly also drove up the price 20-30%.
Bottled Water
Tap water is bottled and then packaged with legitimate seals and labels. These “tapped” bottles contain many harmful types of fungi as well as E.coli. Producing this fake water costs half the price treated water does.
Steam Bun
Steam buns are often made using cardboard and pork fat. If that wasn’t bad enough, the cardboard was softened using harmful chemicals. No wonder customers complained of the lack of flavor.
Rat Meat
Rat meat is produced in really unsanitary conditions and is often passed off as beef. The orchestrators behind this stunt also inject the meat with water to increase the weight and process the meat with banned chemicals.

Pickled Vegetables
Pickled vegetables in China have an abundance of chemical additives. The chemical content label on the packaging is also inaccurate. Before shipment, factory workers spray pesticides with high levels of DDVP onto the vegetables and use industrial-grade salt to achieve the pickled effect.
Hot Pot Soup
Hot Pot soup is often laced with ethyl maltol, capsicum oleoresin, and Disodium 5’-ribonucleotide. Antimalarial drugs are also added to the soup to cover up the rotten meat’s side effects.
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