- Thirty one (31) Ugandans and 2 Chinese have now been confirmed
- Most of the cases are from UAE, Europe, USA and Afganistan
- Three (3) of the cases were infected through contact with infected relatives- the wife and daughter from the Masaka man, the Iganga baby from the father that had travelled from kisumu
- Eight (8) out of 33 cases were identified from Entebbe Airport or from quarantine.
- Foutrteen (14) out of the 33 had entered the city by the time they were identified
- ALL people to people movement using PRIVATE VEHICLES have been PROHIBITED to ensure that people don’t mix. This will take effect from 10PM, 30th of March 2020. This will last 14 days.
- Shopping malls, arcades, hardware shops etc have been suspended for 14 days wef from 1st April 2020.
- All non food “shops’ (duukas, stowaz) shall be closed.
- Only food “shops” , veterinary “shops”, pharmacies, should remain open.
- Public has been encouraged to utilize home delivery services for essential products
- Supermarkets will remain opened.
- Established food markets in Kampala and other towns will remain opened. However the 4m distance between seller-seller and seller-buyer must be observed.
- The food sellers will not go back to their homes for the next 14 days, they will be required to reside at their selling points or stay near. This includes food product factories
- Saloons, lodges and garages shall be closed for 14days from 1st April 2020.
- Construction sites shall continue if they can provide residents for their
- Essential services like medical, veterinary, telecommunications, door to door, banks, private security , cleaning, garbage, firebrigade, petrol stations, water services, URA, UNRA, funeral etc services should continue to operate. However, these employers should
- Cargo by plane, train, pickup, bodaboda, bicycle etc will continue with minimal persons
- Gatherings of more than 5 persons have been PROHIBITED
- With the exception of cargo transporters, there will be a curfew in the whole country starting at 7pm everyday and this takes effect from 31 March 2020. No one is expected to be out beyond this time
- Permission must be sought from the RDC for one to use a personal vehicle for health emergencies.
- On the issue of bank loans, utility bills (water, electricity) with banks, water services, electricity services are going to be engaged on how to guide the public on management of loans, unpaid bills etc.
- Government workers except the army, police, medical workers, water services, electricity services should stay at home.
- The govt is going to provide maize flour, powder milk, sugar ,salt etc to vulnerable groups that shall be identified by govt.
- Police has been instructed to arrest any politicians that are distributing food to people as this leads to gatherings that can spread the disease. Arrested politicians shall be charged with attempted murder.
- President Museveni will use USD150,000 donated by a Nigerian National to buy more vehicles for the ministry of health towards the fight against Corona. The president has also donated two (2) brand new jeeps to the Corona fight.
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