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David Serumaga: Visit Nakivubo Stadium before criticizing Ham

by Uganda Times

Since the time Uganda’s businessman and investor Hajji Hamis Kiggundu presented his high-class plan of redeveloping the then languishing Nakivubo War Memorial Stadium to a high standard and modern stadium, critics have questioned his capacity to handle such a multibillion project.

Other critics went to court to challenge Ham but they failed to succeed with their negativity. However, it was a bit challenging, Ham remained focused on building the lasting legacy of constructing a modern sports facility that will change Uganda’s sports sector.

If it wasn’t Covid 19, Uganda wouldn’t have travelled to other countries to host its home game, they would have used Nakivubo Memorial Stadium.

We must accept that Ham is a very committed person who is exemplary and willing to add something big to his country Uganda.

Right now, it is the reason why we give credit to Hajji Hamis Kiggundu for investing in Uganda’s sports sector and for the great work done in reviving and modernizing Nakivubo War Memorial Stadium.

The sports sector contributes greatly to the nation’s economic growth and once this stadium is completed, it will build talent and employ thousands of Ugandans.

The 35000-seater stadium has already taken shape and several well-wishers are visiting daily to witness its progress.

I can strongly confirm that Ham and the contractors are on track to not only complete the work in the shortest time possible but also to make a statement about their capacity as Ugandans to do their best.

Those who are accusing Ham of dumping the construction of Nakivubo have little or no knowledge about the project.

It would have been better for those who claim to be the ‘’most sports lovers’’ to visit Nakivubo Memorial Stadium to witness its progress or even give developmental ideas towards this project.

It hurts that our very own people are trying hard to fight their brother who is trying to send a big message that even we Ugandans can handle bigger projects other than looking for foreign investors.

We cannot blame those who criticize Ham because we know that many of our people have much negativity.

They are so negative that even if you are doing something benefiting them, negativity will take charge of their brain. Many are doing it out of ignorance whereas others do it out of hate.

I can assure them that nothing will destruct Hajji Hamis Kiggundu from doing the right thing.

Once completed, Nakivubo Memorial Stadium will have a pitch, two suspended floors, a two-level pavilion, netball grounds, and a roof. It will also have other sports activities like netball, bodybuilding, and athletics among others.

There is a lot to learn from Hajji Hamis Kiggundu as a Ugandan investor doing business here and those who disparage him on Nakivubo just out of ignorance or hate should take time to visit this stadium and see how far it has reached.

Serumaga David is a concerned citizen

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