Home Uncategorized MTN partners with NWSC to provide short term relief to NWSC customers

MTN partners with NWSC to provide short term relief to NWSC customers

by Herbert Bukenya

National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) and MTN Uganda have joined hands to provide 23 bulk water points as part of an initiative by NWSC and partnering companies to install a total of 100 water points aimed at supplying water to water stressed areas of Kampala during the Coronavirus (COVD19) outbreak.

The areas to benefit from the water points include those areas at the periphery of the water supply network which currently receive intermittent supply or no water at all. Each of the 100 water points will be installed with a 10,000 liter capacity water tank that will supply water at the official NWSC public tap tariff of UGx 25shs per 20 liter jerrycan.

Whereas Kampala Water is currently able to produce 240 million liters of water per day, peak demand is 300 million liters per day. To bridge this shortfall, NWSC is currently undertaking the construction of a 240 million liter per day capacity water treatment plant in Katosi to the East of Kampala. The first phase to be completed in January 2021 will deliver 160 million liters of water per day to the greater Kampala supply network.

The partnership with MTN will provide short term relief to NWSC customers in water stressed areas as NWSC undertakes the completion of the Katosi Water Treatment Plant. MTN has provided UGX 220 million towards the partnership. Under the partnership, the NWSC will install 23 bulk water points and purchase a water bowser that will be used to ensure regular supply of water to these water points.

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