Home LifestyleHealth Radio Stations Broadcast Juma Prayers in Mbale

Radio Stations Broadcast Juma Prayers in Mbale


At Islamic University in Uganda mosque which serves a population of over 1,000 people both students and the outside communities, the Khutuba was conducted both online and on IUIU FM a University-based radio station.

Juma prayers were on Friday broadcast on radio stations Mbale after the presidential directive suspending congregational prayers.  

At Islamic University in Uganda mosque which serves a population of over 1000 people both students and the outside communities, the Khutuba was conducted both online and on IUIU FM a University-based radio station.      

The Muslim community outside IUIU were served by radio stations like Big FM and BCU FM among others.

Dr Abdul Hafith Walusimbi concentrated his sermon on the pandemic that has caused the changes in the world.       

Dr Hafith said that the Khutumba of the day was for believers to draw lessons from the problem that the world is facing citing lessons like the unity of humanity and that there should be no segregation in colour or race since the disease is not segregating.       

He said that at this moment, all people in the world need to join hands together and be able to fight the spread of the disease.   

//Cue in: “Every person…  

Cue out:…require a lot”//     

Imam Uthuman Pamba, from Bugema, was at Big FM said that the Muslims must obey the leaders and pray from home since this is a directive by Allah.     

He said all Kutuba sermons will be delivered on radios throughout this period as per the directive of the President.    

//Cue in: “Tusinzila ku … 

Cue out:…ate nagendayo”//      

The Mbale District Kadhi, Sheik Isa Masaba who was at BCU FM, said that holding Juma prayers on the radio will enable people to avoid any form of contact that may cause more havoc. 

He said as a district Khadhi, he is also using phone calls as a way of preaching the message since some people don’t listen to the radio.   

//Cue in: “Okusokel daala…  Cue out:…sibauliliza radio”//  

Story by Ayubu Kirinya

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