Home LifestyleHealthBreaking News The Ministry of Health launched the inaugural Heroes In Health Awards (HIHA)

The Ministry of Health launched the inaugural Heroes In Health Awards (HIHA)

by Uganda Times

The Ministry of Health in conjunction with Xtraordinary Media launched the inaugural Heroes In Health Awards (HIHA). The awards are intended to recognize the outstanding individuals, entities, organizations, services, products, and programs in the health sector.

Nominations will take place from 15 February to 15 March 2020 and the winners will be announced at a ceremony on 3 April 2020.

The Ministry of Health in conjunction with Xtraordinary Media launched the inaugural Heroes In Health Awards

🛑The public is encouraged to nominate their best health worker/ institution.

The award categories include:
1. Life Time Achievement Award
2. Public Health Facility of Choice
3. Private Health Facility of Choice
4. Mission/Faith based Health Facility of Choice.
5. Maternal and Child Healthcare Award
6. Health Innovation Award
7. Use of ICT to improve Patient Care Award
8. Student innovation Award
9. Media Excellence in Health Promotion
10. Excellence in improving Access to Essential Medicines and Vaccines.
11. Healthcare Financing Innovation Award
12. Healthcare Leadership Award
13. District/Authority with the Best Managed Health Promotion Campaign
14. Doctor of the Year
15. Nurse of the Year
16. Midwife of the Year
17. Allied Health Worker of the Year
18. Pharmacist of the Year
19. Regional Health Champion – North, East, West, Central & south
20. Award of Excellence in Palliative Care
21. Measles and Rubella Awards of excellence
22. Ebola prevention, treatment and management Awards.
23. Media Excellence Broadcast
24. Media Excellence Print
25. Pharmaco vigilance Excellence Award

Visit: hiha.xtraordinarymedia.com for details.

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